What can we help you with?
Travel Checklist
Before you set off on your adventure, check to make sure you've packed everything you need
The Essentials
- Passport (and visa if required)
- Frequent Flyer Cards
- Emergency Information
- Currency
- Credit Cards
- Travel Insurance
- Personal Identification
- Copy of Tickets/Passport, etc.
- Special Event Reservations
- Health Documentation
- Hotel Reservations
- Cell Phone
Travel Bags
- Main Travel Bag
- Daypack/Duffel/Carry-On
- Money Belt
- Daily bag
- Comb/Brush
- Toothbrush/Paste
- Antiperspirant
- Soap
- Lotion
- Makeup
- Razors/Shaving Cream
- Hair Dryer
- Towel/Washcloth
- Travel Bottles (for liquids)
Day to Day
- Clothes
- Raincoat/Umbrella
- Shoes (dressy and comfortable)
- Hat
- Camera, Lenses, Film/Memory
- Battery Chargers
- Water Bottle
- Hand Sanitizer/Towelettes
- Guide Books and Maps
Before You Leave
- Advise Bank of future foreign credit card use
- Arrange for mail to be picked up or stopped
- Advise home alarm company
- Turn off water
- Arrange for pet and plant care
- Leave house key and itinerary with a neighbour
- Empty refrigerator
- Unplug appliances
- Lower thermostat (if no pets)
- Turn off hot water heaters
- Lock all doors and windows
- Pre-pay bills
- Reconfirm flights with airline